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Join Volindo Community and Connect with Like-Minded Travel Enthusiasts

Welcome to the Volindo Community!
We are a passionate group of travelers, travel agents, and enthusiasts who share a love for exploring the world. Our platform connects travelers with trusted travel agents who are eager to share their knowledge and help create unforgettable experiences.

Our community

Our community is a place where travel agents can also support each other, share tips and insights, and earn money by helping each other.

Our active WhatsApp groups and Discord channel provide a space for open communication and collaboration, so you can connect with like-minded individuals and expand your network.

We also operate on the best practices of Web3, which means that by joining our platform, you can earn the right to vote, receive Volindo Coins, and help decide what will happen with our company treasury. As a company committed to giving back, 3% of our income goes directly back to the community.

Join us and be part of a community that values connection, collaboration, and the joy of travel.

And don't forget to follow us on social media to stay up-to-date on all our latest news and events.

How voting works:

Shape the Future of Travel with Volindo's Agent Voting Program

At Volindo, we believe in empowering our community and giving them a voice in the decisions that affect our platform. That's why we operate on the best practices of Web3, which means that we utilize decentralized decision-making processes that give our community members a direct say in the direction of our company.

As a member of our community, you will have the right to vote on important matters that affect the future of Volindo. This includes decisions about new features, changes to our platform, and even how we allocate resources. Our voting system is transparent and secure, ensuring that every vote counts and that the community's voice is always heard.

In addition to having a say in the direction of our company, community members also have the opportunity to receive Volindo coins and a portion of our company treasury. We believe that by empowering our community, we can create a more inclusive and equitable platform that truly serves the needs of our users. Regenerate response

How Treasury Works:

Shape the Future of Travel with Volindo's Agent Voting Program

At Volindo, we believe in empowering our community and giving them a voice in the decisions that affect our platform. That's why we operate on the best practices of Web3, which means that we utilize decentralized decision-making processes that give our community members a direct say in the direction of our company.

One key aspect of our community involvement is the allocation of our company treasury. This is the pool of funds that we set aside for various purposes such as investing in new projects and hiring new employees. Our community members have a say in how this treasury is allocated through their voting power. By voting, our community members can help us determine where our funds should be directed to achieve the greatest impact for our company and community.

Additionally, we commit to allocating 3% of our income back to the community to support initiatives that align with our mission and values. By joining our platform and participating in our community, you have a direct say in how our company operates and how we allocate our resources.

Volindo pal program:

Join the PAL Program and Unlock Earning Opportunities and Support for Your Traveler Journey

Maximize Your Earnings as a Traveler: Join Volindo's Profitable PAL Program At Volindo, we believe that collaboration is the key to success. That's why we've created the Volindo Pal program, an exclusive community where travel agents can connect and collaborate with each other from different time zones and locations.

With Volindo Pal, you can expand your reach and offer your clients a wider range of services, even if you're not physically present in the area. By teaming up with fellow travel agents, you can provide a seamless experience for your clients and increase your revenue by sharing commissions.

Plus, with our user-friendly platform and advanced tools, you can easily manage your partnerships and track your earnings. Join Volindo Pal today and start connecting with other travel agents to unlock new opportunities and take your business to the next level.